Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus is a reliable free antivirus solution, that constantly and rapidly scans your computer for malicious programs such as viruses, Trojans, backdoor programs, hoaxes, worms, dialers etc. Monitors every action executed by the user or the operating system and reacts promptly when a malicious program is detected.
Avira AntiVir Personal is a comprehensive, easy to use antivirus program, designed to offer reliable free of charge virus protection to home-users, for personal use only, and is not for business or commercial use. Available for Windows or UNIX.
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Avira AntiVir Removal Tool:
Free virus removal tool
Avira offers frequent virus definitions updates in order to keep its users safe from new malware outbreaks.
However, there are computer users who do not perform such updates as often as required, while many others do not use antivirus protection at all.
For all those experiencing the damaging effects of a virus infection, Avira's researchers have prepared a free removal tool, which can be used to eliminate major distinct threats.
* Main benefits: Clean your system, by removing the following viruses with this tool version:
o Worm/Sober.J
o Worm/Sober.P
o Worm/Sober.Y
o W32/Stanit.A
o Worm/NetSky.AA
o Worm/NetSky.B.1
o Worm/NetSky.C
o Worm/Netsky.D.Dam
o Worm/NetSky.P
o Worm/NetSky.X
o Worm/Mytob.IN.2
o Worm/Mytob.KS
* Repair affected files, whenever possible (sometimes files may be irremediably damaged by the malware’s actions).
* Easy to use: you do not even need to install it, just unpack it and use the operation instructions provided in the readme file.
* Continuous development: we recommend you to check regularly for the latest version, as our virus researchers will add more detection routines to this tool, in order to remove even more threats.
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(Source: free-av.com)